Churches Together

Messy Church
Messy Church sessions are held once every half term in the Infant School at 3 pm. They are led by a team consisting of members from all three Churches in Doddinghurst. Each session includes refreshments, a bible story and craft activities, some of which are quite “messy”. It is a fun way for the children to hear the stories of Jesus and learn about God. As the children have to be accompanied by an adult it is also a good opportunity to get to know the parents and in some cases the grandparents of the village. 

Open the Book
The “Open The Book” team goes into the Junior School on a Monday morning to take the assembly. A story from the bible is told and acted out by the leaders, with the help of a few children. At the end there is a quiet reflection and prayer. The head teacher closes the assembly with a few words often making the message given that morning relevant to the children’s school life.

Ecumenical Bible Study
Bible study is prepared and led by a member of the Methodist Church. It is an ecumenical group that meets one morning every couple of weeks to look at and study books in both the old and new testament of the bible. Please contact Stella Perry or Chris King  for further information and details regarding where and when upcoming sessions will be held.

"There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all."
Ephesians 4:4-6

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