The Eucharist

What does Eucharist Mean?
Eucharist comes from the Greek word for 'Thanksgiving'. Week by week as we gather together that is exactly what we are doing! We give thanks to God for all he has given us and most of all for the gift of His Son Jesus Christ who is 'God with us'.

What Happens at the Eucharist?
At the Eucharist bread and wine are taken and blessed, then the bread is broken and these Holy gifts are shared to remember that, through Jesus's death on the cross and his resurrection, we have the promise of eternal life with him. At the Last Supper Jesus said to his friend as he broke the bread. 'This is my Body which is given for you' and as he gave them the wine, 'This is my blood, poured out for you. Every time you eat this bread and drink this wine remember me.'

What do we believe about the Eucharist?
We believe Jesus is present with us in the form of bread and wine each time we celebrate the Eucharist together. We come to the Eucharist with broken lives and holding the broken fragments of our world. As we remember what Jesus did for us and his promise to us, we believe that through his broken body he brings healing and wholeness to ourselves and those for whom we pray. As members of Christ's body here on earth we sometime say and do things which separate us from God. At the Eucharist we are re- membered- put back together again, not only with ourselves and with the local Christian community here, but reunited in praise with Christian brothers and sisters all over the world. And with those who have gone before us and now worship God in his nearer presence! Fed by his body and blood we go out enlivened by the Holy Spirit to share with him in the transformation of our world.

As we say at the end of the service: 'Send us out in the power of your spirit to live and work to your praise and glory Amen’!

How is the Eucharist Celebrated at All Saints?
At All Saints the Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday and Wednesday (using Common Worship). We are always happy when visitors join us for these services. During the distribution of Communion we welcome visitors to come forward to the communion rail either to receive communion if they do so in their own church or to receive a blessing. Those wishing to receive a blessing make this known by keeping their head bowed. To make it easy for everyone, each pew will be advised when to join the queue for communion by a Sidesperson,  

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